広告 意味の違い

【検証付き】「other」「 the other」「another」 の熟語、慣用表現

「other」「 the other」「another」 の熟語、慣用表現

前回は、「other」「 the other」「 another」 の基本的な意味の違いと使い方について解説しました。


●「other」「the other」「another」の基本が理解できたけど、もう少し踏み込みたい

など、「other」「the other」「another」の基本よりも先に進みたい人に役立つ内容です。



① the other day 「先日」・ the other night「先日の晩」

I received a call from my son's school the other day.

The Johnson’s held a big party at their yard the other night.

もちろん、「先日の朝」という意味で the other morningと表現することもできます。

② on the other hand 「そのまた一方では」「他方では」


Maria is very smart. On the other hand, she doesn't listen to other people.

Mom always says she needs to lose weight.
On the other hand, she eats hamburgers very often.

on the one hand ~, on the other hand ○○

On the one hand, Roger is said to be trustworthy.
On the other hand, sometimes he can be impolite.

③ ~ is one thing, ○○ is another.「~と○○は別物だ」

Wanting to be a doctor is one thing, and actually becoming a doctor is another.

Being a good person is one thing. Being popular is another.

2文に分けてもOK、and やbut でつなげて1文でもOKです。

④ in other words 「つまり」「言い換えると」

Leslie was in Chicago on business when his wife was attacked.
In other words, he has an alibi.

⑤ the other way around「逆の」「あべこべの」

"I heard Kelly broke up with Brandon"
"No, it's the other way around.  Brandon broke up with Kelly. "

Governments exist for the people, not the other way around.

⑥ each other 「お互いに」

Peter and Paul haven't spoken to each other for a long time.

We exchanged each other's phone number.


each other の後ろの名詞が来る場合は、each other's phone numberのように

⑦ one another「お互いに」

Let's help one other to finish this project.

We should respect one another's uniqueness.

「each other」 vs. 「one another」違いは?
現在では、これらふたつの慣用表現は同じ意味で使われていますが、1. each other の方が、ややカジュアル(日常会話、小説、TVなど)に使われる
2. one other の方が、やや硬い表現(論文や新聞など)で使われる、3. 古くは、each other が2人の場合の「お互い」, one another が3人以上の場合と分けられていたそうですが、現代ではこの分け方はせず、どちらを使っても正しいとされています。4. また、「お互いの」を表す each other's 、one another's の後ろには厳密には名詞の単数形が来ますが、口語的には、複数形で表されることが多々あります。
◎ Kids looked at each other's face. (単数形)
〇 Kids looked at each other's faces. (複数形)
“Each Other” vs. “One Another” (languagetool.org)(英語)
each [other's / others'] messages | WordReference Forums(英語)

⑧ every other ~ 「~おきに」

Please write your essay every other line.

Ester goes to see his doctor every other Friday.

⑨ one after the other  「交互に」・「次々と」


Todd and Micha drew a card one after the other.


We experienced unnatural phenomena one after the other at the hotel.

⑩ one after another 「次々と」 「相次いで」

Students came out from the hall one after another as soon as it turned 2pm.

【書換OK!】One student after another came out of the hall...
one のあとに名詞を入れてafter another という表現もできます。

Excuses came out of his mouth one after another.

【書換OK!】One excuse after another came out of his month.

「one after the other」 vs. 「one after another」違いは?

one after the other には ①交互に と ②次々に とふたつの意味がありますが、
②次々にと one after another は同じ意味で使われるのでしょうか?


1. one after the other は2人/ふたつの場合は「交互に」という意味で使われますが、
多数の場合は、one after the other = one after another と全く同じ意味「次々に」で使われます。

2. ただし、one after the other は one と after の間に名詞は入りません
《one after another》 
《one after the other》 はくっつけて使う

One kitten after another came out of the mother cat's womb.
✖ One kitten after the other came out of the mother cat's womb.
◎Kittens came out of the mother cat's womb one after the other.


ソース:ONE... AFTER ANOTHER - Cambridge English Dictionary(英語)
one after another/one after the other | meaning of one after another/one after the other in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE (ldoceonline.com)

⑪ any other 「ほかの~」

any other + 複数形

Do you have any other kids besides Kelly?

Are there any other questions?

any other + 単数形 (比較の場合)

The life expectancy of Japan is longer than that of any other country in the world.

「any other + 複数形」 vs. 「any other + 単数形」

◆ anyが「いくつかの」の場合はother があろうがなかろうが、複数形が来ます
Do you have any children?
Are there any questions?同様に、other がついても複数形で表します。

Do you have any other children?
Any other questions?◆ 一方、「ほかにどうしようもない」「どの方法もない」など否定文の場合が多いですが、
「いくつかの」と訳ず、「どの」の意味を持つany は単数形が来ます
He didn't have any choice(単数) but to move out. 
other がついても同じです
He didn't have any other choice but to move out. 

◆ 比較級「ほかのどの~よりも…」than any other 単数

He has thicker hair than any other man I know. 

「どれでも、どんな~でも」any other 単数
The milk we usually get is out of stock. Do you want me to get one with another brand?
Sure, any other brand will do.


⑫ other than ~ 「~以外」

Tom is very shy. Other than that, he is perfect.

Did you do anything other than cleaning this weekend?


いかがでしたか? よく使われる 「other」「the other」「another」のよく使われる慣用表現や熟語を紹介しました。
⑥ each other ⑦one another  や
⑨ one after the other ⑩ one after another など



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