今回は「so that 構文」についてまとめました。
1. 目的(○○するために~する、 ○○するように~する、○○できるように~する)
Peter exercises every day so that he can stay fit.
2. 程度(○○するほど~)(あまりに~なので○○だ)
The movie was so good that I watched it again.
The teacher spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him.
3. 結果(~なので○○した)
Meg went to bed at 9pm , so that she felt better the next morning.
4. 様態(○○するように~されている)
The house is so designed that kids can play safely.
so that のthat は接続詞なので、that 以下は必ず完全な文が来ます
1. 目的 「○○するために 」「○○するように」「○○できるように」
Meg went to bed at 9pm last night so that she would feel better soon.
(寝た時点では「よくなること」が未来を表すので、未来形と表すwillの過去形、would が使われます)
Meg went to bed at 9pm last night
〇 Meg went to bed at 9pm last night in order to feel better soon.
〇 Meg went to bed at 9pm last night so as to feel better soon.
Greg studied very hard so that he could pass the exam.
Greg studied very hard
〇 Greg studied very hard in order to pass the exam.
〇 Greg studied very hard so as to pass the exam.
2.程度 「○○するほど~だ」「あまりに~なので○○だ」
○○するのに十分~だ の「enoght to」に置き換え可能

Yoko is so funny that she can be a comedian.
Yoko is funny enough to be a comedian. so that 構文をenought toに書き換え可能な文は
that 以下に can / could がある場合が多い
Tom is so tall that he can reach the top of the shelf.
=Tom is tall enough to reach the top of the shelf.

Tom is so handsome that Lisa can't speak to him.
Tom is too handsome for Lisa to speak to. 置換え↓
John is so young that he can't join the basketball team.
John is too young to join the basketball team.
応用編 ➡John is not old enough to join the basketball team★★
too young ➡ not old enough
too slow ➡ not fast enough
too difficult ➡ not easy enough
など too 形容詞/副詞 = not 対義語 enough で表現できることもある
3. 結果 「~なので○○になる」
I drove slowly in the snow, so that I got home very late.
Akiko cleaned her room, so that she can go out now.
目的を表すso that 構文との違い、見分け方
目的: Akiko cleaned her room so that she could go out.
結果:I got up early this morning, so that I cooked breakfast for my family.
4. 様態 「○○するように~される」
This phone is so made that the elderly can use easily.
① バスに乗り遅れないように毎朝7時に家を出ます② Science is too difficult for Kelly to understand.以下の日本語を so that構文を使った英文とenought to を使った英文に書き換えよ
③ タケルは医者になれるくらい頭が良い
以下の日本語を so that構文を使った英文に書き換えよ
④ この本は小さな子どもも理解できるように書かれている
⑤ 母は東京に住んでいるので、ここにはいません
① I leave home at 7 every morning so that I will not miss the bus.
② Science is so difficult that Kelly does not understand it.
③ Takeru is so smart that he can be a doctor.
Takeru is smart enough to be a doctor.
④ This book is so written that small kids can understand it.
⑤ My mother lives in Tokyo, so that she is not here.